Am fairly new to all the fluff/lore but 2 things to point out. Exodus could be everyone else leaves the city. Maz then teleports himself and the...
Thanks for the clarification guys. looks like i'll stick to slann and SV on CO for now anyway. Sounds like it may be carnosaurs ftw in the new...
I would say if you really wanted to do an all skink army then you will also be monster heavy. salamader/razordon hunting packs with skinks,...
hi all, i have a question on armour saves for mounted characters... a scar vet has natural armour save of 5+, +1 for light armour, +1 for shield...
Hi All, I am not exactly new to Warhammer, i have had a couple of armies that i have been building and painting in my spare time which truthfully...
Re: Help, creating a Slann-free 2.5k list. Special Character without a slann temple guard are an expensive saurus block so i wouldn't bother. A...