I run him in addition to my 3 units of 3 terradons :) Plus (usually) Tetto's D3 vanguards, means I can set the tone early in the game.
Seems like a lot of work I'd rather 6-die dwellers or final trans at the bunker.
I've dropped the egg on the chief altogether now. I run charmed shield, opal amulet (1x 4++), light armor, spear, terradon. 99 points and a pretty...
I was playing daemons and rolled a 12 for winds of magic, summoning a unit of pink horrors. They promptly roll gateway, which I quickly 6-die at a...
Does anyone know the appropriate size to base the dread saurian? I'm not buying the current rat-lizard monster from Forgeworld but did find a...
Is there going to be a 2014 order placed?
With due respect to everyone, I look forward to the time when this thread returns to discussing Sleboda's battle reports :)
Joe - good luck at MWR - I'm looking forward to some more reports soon!
As great as sharpened horns is, you are rarely going to get a charge off on the elite monstrous cav as they mostly are M7 with swiftstride...
Actually, on 2nd thought - with some minor repositioning it could look decent. I don't like the rat like pose of it, but some work at the angles...
The beam is innate so it can be cast even after IF. The +1 I bonus is useful but as you note doesn't help against most troops for fighting...
Just make sure you vanguard a unit of skinks or something within 3" of him to ensure the 4+ LOS in case you don't get first turn.
So, I've played about 15 games with this guy. He's my new go-to lord choice. In small games he wrecks face. People just aren't used to this type...
Wow - talk about hijacking this thread. I'm looking forward to more reports Sleboda!
that's why I like running them 5x6 - you can take the charge and even if you lose still be steadfast most times, then counterpunch with the other...
Hey Joe - for SCGT this year (3K) I ran 3 large infantry blocks with decent success. 1x 30 spears, 1x 20 HW/S, and 35 temple guard. Even in lists...
Hey Joe - I agree with some of the posters above about salamander usage. For a single sally with extra handler you clock in at a cool 42ss. He's...
You just need some lord kroak dice - check with qupakoco he might have some extra!
You've beaten me with TK before!