Final Part of the Battle at the River Fort While Mostert turned his regimented ship’s company to face the screeching, reptilian flyers, every...
Battle: Turns 1 and 2 From the mutterings during the retreat back to the fort, Pasterkamp should have known what Thodrin Hookhand and his company...
Battle: Turns 1 and 2 Can't post it. Get this message: SQL ERROR [ mysql4 ] Incorrect string value: '\xC2\x92. If...' for column 'post_text' at...
Battle of the River Fort It had been a hard slog back to the river-side encampment for the Tabrizians, the effort of wading knee deep through...
Lifted from my ongoing, occasional campaign/story thing .. Prologue Living Gods The living god Ta-Dino-Po, last surviving spawn of the mighty...
Is this all too strange, too long, too confusing, too rubbish, to comment on? Maybe Lustrian types don't like to see their poor Southlands'...
I guess it was too much work to guess! Battle of the Swamps Part Three - Turns 3, 4 & 5 Now the second swarm of jungle creepy-crawlies...
Battle of the Swamps Part Two - Turns 1 & 2 Bontanoan gave vent to a high-pitched shriek that every warrior in his army could hear, even those...
Battle of the Swamps Part One: Deployment The Atta and Olobol tribes gathered every warrior they could when the living god Bo-Tana-Oon, with...
Prologue: The birds and monkeys had been behaving unusually for two days. Something in the air disturbed them, some smell or sound that only they...
Final Part Having not much choice in the matter, what with the bloated corpses standing immediately in their path, the Arabyan swordsmen and...
This battle report is taken from my story-campaign-bat rep thread on Warhammer Empire. Having received cush a good response for my last bat rep...
Very glad to hear you liked it. I tend only to post Bat Reps on this forum when they involve Lizardmen armies. If you wanna see another one on...
He does look very good. And as he's aquatic, which he is of course (so why I said that I don't know) then shiny is good too. If a skink can't look...
Ah, but my elephant is part of my Arabyan (Empire) army, and much too big ... [attach]
I knew what you meant, but I just babbled on a bit in reply and put in more information in the answer than strictly necessary. I did realise you...
Ah ha, you have worked out my cunning plan. Yes I wanted cheap - because I felt I couldn't explain to my partner spending the cash on official...
I would be very interested to hear Lizard players opinions of my Pygmy army (as featured in the Bat Rep I did). I do get the distinct impression...
Most of the pygmies aren't conversions - they came with blowpipes and javelins and all the right gear! As for the monsters, the reasons for...
Final Part (the battle) By means of a shrill cry, Tehenhauin gave the signal to his army to advance. This they did, answering his cry with...