Your Army Comp is even more restrictive than the needlessly restrictive GW Legacy list! Here's what I would do: Change lord restrictions to 0-1...
Big OOF. :(
I can't find that; can you quote it?
From the new FAQ (v1.1) page 2: "Q: Can a Wizard with a physical attribute that ‘counts as’ a type of armour (such as a Treeman Ancient’s...
Spears ... well. Their +1I when receiving is only theoretical, since most opponents will have +3I from charging anyway. So you'll take losses...
IF Glittering Robe channelled by a Slann through an Arcane Vassal affects the unit that Vassal har joined, it becomes the best signature available ...
Apotheosis: "This spell can only target friendly characters whose troop type is ‘infantry’ or ‘cavalry’ ..." Slann troop type: Monstrous Infantry...
Mage-Priests have Fly and cannot join units (no more blowing up the Temple Guards, at least), but Skink Priests can. Will range SELF spells cast...
This kit comes with both sword&board AND blowpipe options. They are a tiny bit bigger and beefier than the chameleon from the Starblood Stalkers...
Agree with all the above. In addition: Core Book Keep spell generation random, but make PD/DD generation more reliable, and make it scale for...
These are good points! Death doesn't really have any bad spells (Caress of Laniph is probably the weakest!) and I can of course hold back on...
Let's say I'm running the following (2400 points, ETC comp): Slann with Staff, Reservoir, Cogitation and Convergence 3 Scar-Vet Cowboys, fully...
Skirmishers and lone infantry characters are Stubborn if the majority of their unit is in a forest.
So, yeah. Crushing defeat. He brought a Dragonlord, two Hydras, two fifty strong units of Warriors, three masters on Pegasus, two six-man Shade...
Gotta halt a northern invasion tonight. I'm pretty sure he'll run magic light, with dual Hydra and a Dreadlord on Black Dragon, while for my part...