I think its Kabalite Green... at least that's what I used for mine, which I also tried to do in a similar style to the ones in the army book....
The pictures aren't of the greatest quality. I do tend to favor painting bigger models, and my methods are pretty basic - primer, basecoat, wash,...
Some of the models in my Lizardmen Army. My fluff is mostly going to be a war vs the Skaven Clan Pestilens in and around the defiled city of...
The Predators are slightly bigger than GW cold ones, and seems to work well with the big Oldblood model from the Carnosaur kit. I couldn't get...
Thought I read somewhere that it was similar in size (and likely price) to the FW Greater Daemons.
Given the likely point values of the herd of new models just released, its likely that the WD battle report simply couldn't squeeze a slann,...
The skinks in the battalion picture seem to have yellow crests/heads, while there are also some with the more familiar red crests of Sotek in...
Hello... seems to be a cool site, glad to be here. Been a Lizardmen collector for about 4 years. Other armies I collect are Skaven, Warriors of...