I am with you on comp system sleboda, i am totally 100% against them. However lizardmen are not the army they once were and also the meta has...
I want to get into lizardmen but 1) I dont want a slaan...they are boring 2) I want a couple of monsters....they are fun I really hate what...
I really want to start lizardmen but I dont want to do take saurus warriors. Instead i wanted to take kroxigor in skink units but really, every...
Except matt ward didnt write warriors of chaos, phill kelly or crudance did. Matt ward wrote the high elves and dark elves. And do you know what,...
And this is why i hated the new lizardmen book. The release was kind of like the tyranid release in that all the good things go nerfed to bring in...
Well maybe, its hard to tell what happened in writing up reports. Anyway my point wasnt to diss your opponent it was to say that rear charging...
Yes a unit with so many attacks charging the rear of such a small unit is not going to end well....but how are they charging the unit....
I am sorry but that is not a reliable way to kill warlocks. That is literally like me saying that one time my 3 warlocks charged into a unit of 5...
Yea they are good at magic. In the same way that skull crushers are good in combat. Also you have to remember that this is dark elves. They are...
Lol i love so many of these comments "just fly a guy on terradactyl into the warlocks with the egg and OTS" Yea because in a game it is just...
Sorry Sleboda but i have to comment. I used to read your tomb kings batreps all the time and although i loved them you can be incredibly...
Its not counted as part of the model. A character on a stegadon (or any monster) gets: +1 to its armour for being mounted (does not use the...
Ok last post on this forum and then i am done with lizardmen The engine of the gods nerf was the last straw. Seriously stop making everything...
But that is what alot of people are bitching about. Its the same bloody book. Just swap ripperdactyls for basic and probably more usefull...
Thank you Some one who agrees with me. All the lists will stay the same as none of the new things are any good. Even in your list of things that...
Ok please tell me what is good out of this book And can please stop mentioning stupid things and saying that it is good, e.g. the trogladons acid...
Ok lets break this down. 1) Kroxigor: S5 is good. Your opponent being able to target them in combat is terrible. I think some1 said about 5...
Re: 8th Ed Lizardmen Rumor Army Breakdown You can now hit the kroxigor in the skink unit. Meaning when my chaos knights/chariots/skull...
Re: 8th Ed Lizardmen Rumor Army Breakdown Skink cloud was never OP. You generally had 9 S6 attacks along with 6 S2 (3?) attacks. The kroxigor...
Re: 8th Ed Lizardmen Rumor Army Breakdown Hahaha, really? Great minds must think alike :)