Daemons after that would be nice.
Or just soak the charge with one steggy and countercharge. Stegs are resilient and stubborn, good for tying up units.
Very interesting, definitely trying Blade of Realities next battle.
Give him too much to kill, Old blood on carny, multiple steggies, EotG is a MUST against that army. Even two if you really want to win. The ward...
:O ... Ok. Slann use one lore out of the BRB. They have 4 spells. This can be altered by disciplines / magic items.
That's honestly not a bad point Caneghem. Use them as a distraction, you never know, they might kill something :P. They're reasonably cheap as...
You could interpret it like that, its not very specific. I take it to mean that if the mount or rider is subject to frenzy the other gets it as...
Swap the carnosaur pendant for maiming shield, you get the frenzy from the carnosaur already. Ah, you have maiming shield on the scar vet, well...
True enough. I just can't justify them in my armies though. If your saurus need help with something that usually means that the enemy is nasty,...
110 points, why not have 3 teradons? Faster, drop rocks (yay) and do essentially the same job as you are suggesting.
I don't use a slann, Old blood as general. 25 saurus + scar veteran causing fear will autobreak almost everything they come across. If I use a...
Hmm, my bad (some guy used hydra + dragon against me like that, never bothered to check it I suppose). Terror is not the weapon of the army...
Using my multiple Terror causing units to force 2-3 terror checks on one or two enemy units, will break almost anything below leadership 9-10....
The rider already benefits from the frenzy rule when the carnosaur inflicts a wound since the entire model is affected. I find glyph necklace...
My stegadon mounted skinks regularly outdo my stegadons in terms of kill count :O
Been using this army the last week with great success vs Skaven and Dark Elves. Just wondering what your views are and whether you recommend...