any chance you can email me the brb magic items as well? that would be really sweet
I would be interested as well
In remarks to a multi carnosaur army. I fooled around with a list the other day consisting of general on carnosaur and two scar vets on carno...
I was pretty sure it was too, but Hey if i just have to put the old one on a bigger base, whatever, thats what movement trays are for. Thanks guys.
sorry yeah i forgot they used grapeshot rules, nvm... ok salamanders win lol I will miss the -3 armor
I am new to LM and have never actually used a carnosaur but i plan to. Are the new Carnosaurs bigger than Kroq-gar. By box size i wanna say they...
yes, but at (dont have the book in front of me) 15 points chepaer, I think the razordons pulled away on this one. they are the same S4, and has a...
ill try it out.
Re: Some ineresting dinosaur/creaure fluff in the new armybo Did you see how lazy they names beastmen.. Gor, ungor, bestigor, centigor,...
I would agree totally with that statement, from codex "...for each spell forgotten in this manner; generate in a normal way" Lore master " ......
Neither do I, like I said before I've always tossed mine, but since it was brought up I had noticed the same argument could be used for High Magic
OK but by that logic if you take Loremaster High magic and choose to forget high magic spells for other spells, wouldnt you get them right back...
I dont have book in front of me but i wanna say 580-600
Yes but what I think the OP is talking about is that Mazdamundi's rule say that he has loremaster for whatever lore he 'Generates" spells from....
Re: No slann 8th edition - suggestions to be different or aw I actually toyed with an idea of a "no casters" list. It consisted of my old blood...
Delted post, double post