Nah, too low resoultion and pixels to print properly. Need at least 1080p and high pixel. Thanks :)
Can't deny the artwork in our rulebook is simply fabolous. Anyways, where can I find HQ scans of this picture:...
Re: Okkam's Mindrazor - affect armor saves? I actually searched the pdf for shadow but somehow I missed that entry. Thanks for the...
I saw from google this thread: Nevermind, it's been FAQed,...
Hi! I'm pretty much new to the whole warhammer fantasy tabletop game. This was my 4th game of playing. I try to play liike inbetween 2-4 months...
Much appreciated bro :smug:
Hi please kind sir send me one as well. I'm buying the book today, planned to input data in quartmaster but thanks to you I don't have to :)...