Lizzy 2000 Point army list Slann with lore of Life, Battle standard, Banehead, Standard of discipline, Feedback scroll, Focus of Rumination,...
Here's a question - does anybody ever use the channeling staff ? I was thinking of fielding a level 1 skink priest + Staff in my list just for the...
Heroes Level 2 Skink Priest on Engine of the gods with war drums. Saurus Scar-veteran, Maiming Shield, Sword of Battle, Light armour, Cold one...
Hey all, after repeatedly getting my arse kicked by our local VC player I've decided to build a army list just to combat him. Unfortunately I...
Pro's and cons: Pro's: Can have awesome magic Can have awesome Close combat Gets wide variety of fear causing units. Can either have blocks of...
I like the new book, we got: Better Saurus Ranked Skinks + Kroxi's Custombuild your own slann Lots of fluff some cool items Engine of the gods...
Beast Cowers + Skinks = Pinata
Re: Cold One Cavalry Tactica (Updated 8/6/09) I have to say that I love COC. I've jsut come from a 1500 Points doubles tournaments where we...
So can you use beast cowers on high elf eagles ?
Ok, So I've got a 3000 Point game tonite, and I'm using most of my collection to make the points limit. This is what I've got at the moment and I...
Quick Question - got my terradons at long last, and used them for the first time on Sat. HOW THE HECK DO YOU KEEP THESE THINGS ON THEIR BASES ?...
Get a slann asap. Lore of life has numerous cheap usefull spells vs dwarfs. Make their lives hell. Jaguar saurus of death (Jsod) - basically a...
What lore do you guys rekon is best vs these helfs ?
What does the Crossfire rule do ? Also on what page can I find it?
It depends. For my Skinky army of doom - it doesn't matter really, M6, Skirmishers etc. means I can quickly adapt and chang to battlefield...
Thanks for all the Feedback - the Magepriest is already a BSB, I forgot to put it in there.
I field a cold one unit every game - Favourite unit: 8 Cold one Riders with full command + Scarvet with Blade of Might + Banner of the sun (-1 to...
Slann Cupped hands of the old ones Focused Rumination Becalming Cognition Focus of Mystery Soul of Stone 495 Points 390 Points for lvl 2 Skink...
Re: Skink Skirmisher FAQ and Index My skinks have special "rage Button" Bult in - Every game they do nothing for the first 1-3 turns. Then my...
Well ? is it worth the points ? I've been looking and for a single use item it just doesn't seem great. Any idea's/tactics ?