I thought it couldnt be fired on the time it got the irresitble force but it could cast the next magic phase
I had just 2 more ranks. 5 deep while my friends had a unit of knights 3 deep and a skirmish(doesnt have any ranks )unit of wardancer (that danced...
So yesterday I was playing against my 2 friends. One of them played wood elves and the other one played bretonnia. So this is the thing I had a...
Im using a saw, knife and scissors to cut the glass. Its really hard because I have cut myself a few times now. I want to finish 1000pts to a...
I made the sword out of plastic glas and cutting it is the hard part. The inpiration I was using was from looking at other warhammer models and I...
Frozen Lizardmen [attach] [attach]
I didnt believe so either I was just double checking :D
Does the stegadon helmets impact hits benefit from the 2+ strenght of the great weapon?
Its a tournament so here are the rules: Army composite rules: • Armies may be chosen with a maximum of 1600 points and must be chosen from any of...
but does it cancel it out for all elves or only the ones that are targeting him?
Initiative and always strike first, If you have one of does you take away the opponents re-rolls
would it be a bad idea to take 2 slann-mages with me?
Doesn't it give magic resistance agianst spells to my temple guards if a put the slann-mage in that unit so they will get a 4+ ward agianst spells...
These are the rules: • Saurus Scar -Veteran on Cold One/Each 3 (or fraction) Salamander models, max 3 • Becalming Cogitation/Dispel...
If the temple guard champion where equiped with gold sigil sword that gives initiative 10 would it cancel out the re-roll that comes from other...
My slann-mage with a skavenpelt banner(the rat on the cross :D) [attach]
My templeguards with 2 veterans [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach]
Will consider it. Thanks :D
[attach] [attach] [attach] Do you have any suggestions or should I go with this?
Do I get to stand and shoot if the target is out of range and charges? Do blowpipe have any minimum range when it comes to stand and shoot? Do I...