I'm a little new to doing it right as well but I'll tell ya what they told me that I notice in your army too. You need redirectors. Skink...
Ah it's not a good idea to have a champ to accept challenges with? 's what I was thinking of anyway. If needed I could always add another SCOR...
Thanks for the reply once again! Last question (for now :P). What is your suggested unit size of SCOR? I'm thinking about 5 atm simply because of...
Re: Noob to Lizardmen at 2200 points. Help tweek list pleas Oh wow, I really misread the points of the scar-vet (as 455) ^_^ never mind me!
Or Netherlands, same thing! I'm a 24 year old guy who has been playin' the hobby since 6th just came out. I have kept playing 6th 'til about a...
Hey! Thanks for the reply :) Yeah he's not very defensive, ya think he'll die super fast even if he's flank charging though? I could possibly...
Re: Noob to Lizardmen at 2200 points. Help tweek list pleas You have spent too many points in heroes, though :jawdrop: it's over 25% of 2200 pts ^_^
Hello all, I'm a player who has played LM a lot in 6th and who has kept playing 6th well into even 8th. Recently I made the jump to switch to...