Re: AAW I found out that star aliance fly to Zagreb so the Hunted google little and you will now how to came in Zagreb with airplane.. :)
Re: AAW I dont now for Ryanair but Croatia airline fly to Zagreb... :)
Re: AAW I dont now what isnt clear.. :( Its non-profit organisation because of that turnament is free... :) It will be relatively big tournament...
Re: AAW It has to be since we are a non-profit organisation, all are funding must come from preparing projects and then competing for funds at...
They are some rumors for dwarfs and wood elfs i think...
I heard that new Dark elf are fun to play because they have everything... Godd magic good cc and good shoting. I mean you can build whatever you...
Dear friends! The time has come for 11th annual Agram Arena Winter 2013 international tournament! The game played is, of course 8th edition of...
I think its not easy to seduce LM but its not impossible... All you need is that one slann go crazy and all saurus in that city will follow his...
Yeah I have little problem with hiding slann... I didnt play yet any game with this list but i will try it next saturday... I thinking about...
Hey everyone and sorry for my bad english... For a while time i am following this forum and i can say there is much interesting things here to...