Yes, and the baby steg causes a Fear check (your Terror versus their Fear) against the MFC which should be at a 7/8 if I remember. Every roll...
Long Ogre player here, so lemme jump in: I'll make comments based on the list suggestions - Slaughter Master: lvl 4, Greedy Fist, Great Weapon...
Thanks Caprasauridae. For me, moving over to Lizardmen is more of a rational choice with the armies I have played and with the armies I see at my...
Thanks! I was playing at the Bowie store, took about a two year break and now hang around the Springfield VA store from time to time.
Hello all, long time lurker figured I would finally create an account to start posting and sharing ideas and thoughts on Warhammer Fantasy -...
I actually made the switch to start playing Lizards, from Ogre Kingdoms. I am still keeping my OK army on standby, but its just so one dimensional...