Hey Guys, I have my Tournament next week and this is my list, taking power points into consideration. LORDS 600 Slann Mage Priest- Lore Of Light...
The models are available on eBay, that's where I grabbed them, search for Mantic Ogres by Kings of war.
Re: Start of my Kroxigor Convertion Did a little work today, undercoat and tried to do a test for colours.... still more work on model but you...
Re: Start of my Kroxigor Convertion Sadly no tails, but the bodies are models called Mantic Ogres. You get 6 for £16.50, they come with really...
Hey Guys. Im doing some kroxigor for a local tournie, well 2 unit of 6, and I didn't really want to pay the £33 for 3!!!! So I came up with...
Try a Bastiladon and melt some armour. I find that Krox and our Heroes and Lords need there magic buffs like Light. But with a Bastiladon in low...
Hey Guys, I have my first major Tournament coming in October and this is the list Im thinking of taking. Any advice would be grateful, also...
After trying my list out, I didn't like how it played so I did a massive overhaul and came up with this, LORD Old Blood - Cold One, Halbert,...
Hey guys, I've got my first tournament coming up in a week or so and this is the list I've came up with..... Old Blood - Cold one, Sword of...
Sorry Scar vet not Old Blood.
Howdo.. Im new to lizardmen myself but ive had a little look and at 750pts I would field Old Blood Cold One, Light Armour, Biting Blade,...
Decisions, decisions, decisions!! Your right on temple guard as it does take up a lot of points to protect my toad. The skink idea was my first...
Right guys here it is....Final list for Saturday. I've had to paly around with my cowboy to make it all work.. Slann Wandering deliberations,...
Also I do have other models... Stegadon and Gor rok Just trying to keep the points down for my first game with Slann as this is what is really...
Thanks guys for some really good info... I can take only 375 on Slann for this game type and was thinking of taking the advice for the wandering...
Hi Guys and a Happy New Year!!! I'm still very new to fantasy after 40k so would like a little advice to my new army. Slann Mage Level 4,...
Thanks for the help! I will remove the stalker but what about just a baby steg with shape horn and stampede Also I will beef up the SV the way you...
Hi guys. I've have just started my first lizardmen army and would like advice on ranks and general layout. Old Blood cold one, shield, sword of...