Ah cool! But if they leave they cant rejoin I guess? That is a very solid unit.
Can other characters join Kroak's unit? I didn't think they could because of unbreakable.
It is hard but its slow and easily avoided, its so obviously hard that people wont be tempted to take it on. If you do want to try it the...
Putzfrau Its very possible I'm playing him wrong that's why I'm here! ;) I understand that you are getting a lot of rules for not many points,...
That's actually a really good idea, leaves you lord slot free for a couple of OBs. Hmmm thanks a lot.
Hey all, just wondering if anybody is having much luck with Tetto? On paper I was really impressed but I'm finding it doesn't translate well onto...
Pinktaco made a great list, I would only add putting him in a Skink Skirmisher unit at the start of the game works (consider the +1 move banner...
I first played an 11 skink 1 Krox (+muso upgrade) unit in a themed skink list and have used them since. They often end up on the flank where they...