8.0 is a medium-strong list for Swedish Comp. My non-Tetto'eko list is maxed out much better for a 13.4 Comp score (a level 1 heavens Skink...
I've got an Infantry army of Spartan Hoplites and Peltasts that works well as Lizardmen. It has some practice in a Swedish Comp GT earlier this...
Just so ya know. Using cumbersome hordes is not new to me. I just finished 7th/65 using a 50 White Lion horde and all shooting support. I've...
Re: 2500 point list for Lonewolf Grant Tournament- Come chat I suggest you read the rules more closely for the Lone wolf GT. They don't use...
I have a bunch of Spartan warriors from Crocodile Games and have ordered a bunch more of their Spartan Peltasts. The list is essentially minimum...