So I have been thinking a lot lately about how to tear into the new elf and undead legion armies. It occured to me that the best way is still...
Re: Lizardmen troops to expand your army or to begin a new o I would be interested in acquiring some models. What do you want for them? Do you...
Sad but true. Saurus warriors are sadly not as effective at killing as the fluff would have us believe.
That's what the lasers are for. I figure 2 bastilladons and the EoTG could provide enough magical attack support to take out any ethereals.
3000 points Old Blood Carnosaur Great Weapon Trickster's Helm Talisman of Preservation Ironcurse Icon Light Armor Oldblood Greatweapon Armor of...
I would think my opponents would concentrate on the Dinos. If they focus on him, I would hope my Carnos get into combat first. Not a lot of Skaven...
So I got my first Carnosaur model assembled, and am looking forward to getting my second shortly. I had a thought this last weekend about making a...
So I worked it out, 3 Carnosaurs, Tehenhauin for magic and 3 other Dinos for some more fun. I also went with only Skinks, because I am going to...
I think I have a new Sig Quote.
I am currently working towards a dual carno, no slann list for 2500 points. It wasn't until I was messing around some this morning that I realized...
So it looks like at the 2500 point level you could take a Slann and 2 Scar Vets on Carnosaurs. Only 1 Carno could have Blood Roar or Swiftstride,...
I am serious about getting to 2500 points quickly yes. I am convinced that the dual carno approach is the way to go, as my 8 year old son (the...
As I have said before, I am playing the Lizardmen army because my 8 year old son loves them. I haven't played WHFB since 6th edition, and have...
Wow, I can't believe I didn't think of the SRB. I found a buy it now on eBAY for 24.99. Thanks.
I have recently come back from WHFB after a few years removed from the game. I missed all of 7th edition, and from what I understand potentially...
Not really sure what a bus is referring to.
It is a resin model in the description. It states that it has 3 configurations, where one of them is Kroq-Gar (My son's favorite character, we...
To begin, I first started playing Warhammer WAY back in the day when Warhammer Quest was still around and supported by Games Workshop. My first...