The last faq to our battletome says only the following: "Change the header to ‘Spell Lores and Bonded Endless Spells’ and the rules under the...
ok, but in seraphon battletome it is a spell written with points and in GHB it is written: "The endless spells in this section are far from being...
And where exactly is it written,pls?
new rules override old rules and again "it's not in the game any more" 3rd squated it. you can still use it if you get your opponent to play 2nd...
But we still have it in the codex and there is nothing written about wound 9 or more. So if I take it according to the codex, there is nothing...
Since the new Kroak model is 18 wounds this means we have lost the ability to use the Balewind Vortex to increase the range of Celestial...
Hi, it is a template so it is d6 hits and flamming so re-rolls to wound