I have followed most of the 9th edition rumours and I am pretty sure there never were reliable rumours about the lizardmen not being playable in...
I agree that saurus are better than most people say. They beat equal points of witch elves (not a witch star) by quite some margin and are far...
I would not rely on flying units againts skaven, since the storm banner might ruin your day.
My friend is a skaven player, so I face them regularly. He does not own a vermin lord (yet), so I can not comment on that, but I guess skinks,...
Unfortunately the fluff behind the rules is not explained in the newer army books. IMO the PF rule represents the primal instincts of the saurus,...
I agree that the drawback from PF is negligible. Additionally PF can be really good when you direct your attacks to characters, as even one...
I think Saurus are fine as long as you do not play against avoidance armys and avoid certain matchups. They should win or at least draw against...
Thank you. I am glad that the Bastiladon did something meaningful as I really like it fluff and gameplay wise.
We have played several 500 point games without any further rule modifications and the game played quite well. The only thing you have to accept is...
The COMBAT system, which is one of the major comp sytems here in Germany, allows PF with supporting attacks, so there is no consensus.
So a win for the Lizardmen. I think the High elf list was a little light on shooting and mobile units but the big units scared me a little before...
High elf turn two [ATTACH] The Eagle charges the Cameleon skinks and the White lions seek cover in the building. The Spear horde and the Phoenix...
So, enough sleep, let's start with turn one. The High elves had the first turn and tried to cross the table as fast as possible. High elves turn...
Hello, since we can now upload pictures directly to the forum, I would like to post a battle report. I played with my Lizardmen against a friend...
I have voted 8th since it is my favourite edition. Oh and for the record, so far every rumour I have read pointed to the lizardmen being playable...
I have read Harrys comment on Warseer and I think it does change anything for us. The lizardmen book is from 2013, which means we would not...
I really think Saurus are fine as a unit. I have done the math against several other core units and they fare well against most of them, although...
Hm, I think you are getting the things a little bit out of context here. I was responding to a post from Putzfrau, were he claimed that if PF...
Thats a great idea. But I believe the mail adress for rules questions is: Gamefaqs@gwplc.com At least that is the adress they give under the...
Maybe I should not have used the word "trigger". People get too hung up on that and it distracts from the rest of the text. What I wanted to say...