@Qupakoco Thanks for the shout out. Ripper dactyls are my thing but you could use any unit for the same thing. What is their purpose? Killing...
I've tried it. The issue is that your army is looking for buffs and death doesn't really provide that. Death is perfect for skink cloud lists...
I've got some battle reports. I still have two to upload though... shameless plug for subscriptions! Haha....
I'm uploading the battle reports now and I'm 3 games in to the 5 game GT....
The problem is cost in dollars. They cost as much as a rhino apc for 40k ($35 at the time of writing) for a single razordon/salamander. The...
Hey all! I've bought 6 of the buggers and I've got a few questions... 1) If a cannon hits a Razordon but the Razordon makes its 5+ "handler"...
I am kind of done playing maxed character lists with slann and cowboys holding down all the points. I still want a high leadership general, a bsb...
Okay, so I realize that I have no idea what the cauldron does. If you take that out (but keep the re rolls to wound... wherever that comes from)...
Has anyone ever tried running 18 Kroxigors in a horde formation? I ran the math and a horde of 30 witch elves running in the front with chariot...
1) The tried and true CO Bus. Usually you're looking at 1-2 Oldbloods alongside 3 Scarvets leading the charge with around 10-13 CO in support....
For the lore I was thinking about Heavens. At 2600 points I can fit in tetto and really spam out the buffs! I own 9 ripper dactyls and I can't...
Hey all! I've found that my play style of a support heavy lizardmen army works well at low points (1500) but suffers at 2000+ points. This...
Wood elves are one of the few armies I like magic missiles against more than buffs. Most wood elf players are going to bring 1-2 units of wild...
You need to put your blot toads on the units you WANT to charge during the game. It does you no good to put the blot toads on units you can't or...
Hey guys, I did not make this video, a you tuber named dissimulator did but wow. It gives you a step by step, phase by phase plan on how to use...
I would use them at the beginning of the magic phase to try to 1-dice the bound spells through especially with Tetto. If your opponent tries to...
I've got a fair amount of lizardmen models and I play local tournaments with them. There aren't any painting requirements here so I'm only about...