Yeah I'm gonna get one of the 'Start Collecting: Seraphon' boxes and get some of the other stuff a bit later. Great deal, 12 saurus and 8 cold one...
And I have just seen this: [img] so depending on the savings on that it might be worth buying the Steg, Terradons, a Bastilodon and the Seraphon...
That's good to hear. I almost wish it came with a Bastilodon instead of one of the Stegadons (just for model variety). I do already have a...
The Thunderbeast Host set is a pretty good deal money wise, particularly with a discount, but is it actually a decent way to start a force? Are...
So there's actually no balancing mechanic... Even if we did say 'a ten scroll game', there's no upper limit to unit sizes so I could just have 10...
So this is from someone on DakkaDakka who is a retailer: So... I don't even know. I spose it could maybe work if the war scrolls have an amount...
I'm hoping that the war scrolls add a lot more complexity, otherwise it seems really dumbed down and simple. It all seems...weird, just really...
A spelling error with GW definitely does not mean it has to be fake... Have we already forgotten the Slann Magwe Priest and 'see page XX' after...
I'm not really seeing the 40k. They look a bit like Sanguinary Guard but they're both in sculpted gold armour. They're still very high fantasy...
You're paying for the premium fine cast material obviously! :P
You could take them as a scroll thing in Storm of Magic.
This is incredible. The whole thing is just mind blowing but the bit that really impressed me is just the water drops on the leaves.
I imagine it might be too big for a Skink, they reach the floor on an elf...
PM sent, a shame you couldn't sell them properly. Looking forward to seeking the next sculpt though!
I'm going to use a Trog anyway, because I paid almost 50 quid for it and it's a damn fine model. But I do wish it was a little better (never...
They don't fit with anyone else. I hope they aren't shoehorned in with anyone else. Skaven especially, although it would be good in a way because...
I don't see us being lumped in with anyone, and I really don't think GW are gonna drop any armies. I'm guessing we'll just be as we are now....
Shame we aren't getting any new models.
These are absolutely incredible, I would also be very much interested in buying some when they are available. :)
I know I'm a little late, only just registered to the forum after lurking a while. I seem to be in the minority that I really really like this...