I run a list kind of like this and im undefeated with it but i would drop the trog and eotg and mash in another ancient steg. also take away the...
Another priest is good, ur gonna need buffs on ur units. the rest is depending on what ur opponent is bringing. Ur gonna have a hard time dealing...
slann dispel, soul of stone, harmonic, focus of myst, bsb, skavenpelt banner scarvet GW, LA, armour of destiny scarvet GW, LA talisman of pres...
Test played it twice yesterday, one massacre for against a very unlucky woc player and a draw vs a HE player, the list works pretty damn good,
Thanks for the input guys, u are so right about the skirmishers, dunno what i was thinking there, ill be using this LORDS Old blood + carno...
I was wondering what people thought of this list, any tips would be appreciated. its a 2500p list focusing of raw hitting power Lords Old blood +...
Hi all, i havent played in like 10 years but a couple of my friends have started again so i dusted of my old lizardmen to go out and have a few...