Thanks a lot, I thought so. I pointed to the order of operations for shooting and how calxulate hits comes before rolling to wound. Just a side...
A unit of 2 Salamanders fire into a unit: My friend says I need to place the template, calculate hits and then roll to wound one at a time for...
Can someone clarify for me about arcane vassal: Can arcane vassal be used more than once a turn as long as I have more than one caster within...
can someone clarify for me: I don't know the page numbers, but referencing Character and Formations it says "A lone character is always considered...
Alternatively, you could put those points aside in a summoning pool and then just summon them 15" (23" if you have astrolith bearer) but no closer...
Yeah, I totally could do 1+ with dawnstone AND the 4+ ward. He'd be pretty unstoppable. I'd LOVE to bring two carnosaurs, but I do not have the...
Hey guys, I plan on attending the Crossroads this year which is set in Elmira NY Sep 27-29 and usually has about 120...
I'd like to see purple sun be a str/toughness test instead. Fix LOS. Kings of War has an amazingly simple ruleset for this. I'm tired of people...
I believe in the DE fluff, they say that Cold One Knights are even more bitter than your typical Druchii because they have to apply the slime the...
Fair enough. I didn't mean to assume as I don't know the person your playing against and rely on other people I have and I tend to see people that...
I've never swapped for lore of undeath (I don't have the models anyway) and I've never thought about it! That'd be fun! On the planning of...
Arcane unforging: This spell is close to cheating. So wonderfully put. I've had a handful of games where I've been able to destroy a blenderlord's...
I've never, ever heard of anyone re-rolling a re-roll in any circumstance or any of the tournaments I've attended. He might have the ability to...
From my experience (maybe six or seven games) Chaos Dwarfs are like High Elves, they have a few tricks that once you figure out makes them not...
not just any beer, but Vermont microbrew which (according to beer magazine) ranks highest in the US. USA! USA! USA!
Hey guys, my brother and I are running our first grand tournament on July 17th, 2015 in majestic Bolton Vermont. It's a good HUB for any northeast...
What a nice model. Personally, I've been running TWO oldbloods- One on a CO / Talisman of Preservation, Charmed Shield and Great Weapon. Then I...
Yes, you use the leadership of the skinks.
As was discussed previously, the main thing wrong with the bastiladon is how people run it. They see a giant, armored dinosaur and immediately...
Don't forget that ETC only lets you get a max of 2 dice during the magic phase, so if you have something like reservior it becomes less useful...