Thanks but that's not the same skill that is swoop and charge the rule for swoop and dive doesn't make sense to me
Can anybody explain how swoop and dive works do I declare it after move and then make a charge on charge phase?
So you can have 2 of the same name character at the same time? How do they expect just play Aos with 4 pages are ruleso_O
Yes I understand that but with the summoning rules can I just spam the same name character over and over so I have multiple copies on the board...
Okay I'm kind of confused right now can you have multiple copies of the same name characters in your army now like 4 Gor-roks with the new...
You pick one wepon and then get a bite attack
Can tetto'eko onley hit on a 4? :D
Okay thank you so much
I was looking in the white dwarf and it said on the Games Workshop website you can download all the war scrolls for free for each army can...
OK I thought so thx
can a salamander join a unit of skink skirmishers?
Ya that's what I was thinking but we still have just 3 core choices and ever on else has like 100000 now kind of unfair we need back up
Who do you think the lizardmen team up with is it possible they will team up with skaven and ogers?