I ran into this problem in a recent game against brettonians. i had some pegasus knights running through some groups of skinks. i thought i...
I don't think i've seen this question come up. Can the terradons drop their rocks on units in combat?
I thought heroes didn't transfer their stats to the unit? EDIT: nevermind. a hero (effectively) transfers his stubborn to the unit, big book pg...
I don't have my book with me but i'm pretty sure you roll a 2+ for the first wound, and take the second one. The whole rolling all the dice at...
I don't have a second set of slann/TG what's a more fighting heavy style that can deal with VC, or a high magic user in general?
DOH, of course. any general army tactics? or just i need to use that weapon against them? Woulr BoR work well against a vamp lord?
I played a 3000 pt list last night and was not ready for most of the problems i faced. Grant it, he had made the list to go against a cheezy dark...
US 5
i like the way you think... :)
does a failed stupidity test stop the lord cold also? could the lord charge out of the unit on his own leaving the stupid troops behind?
So if the flee'er ends they're flee behind (basically not literally) one of the chargers, out of their charge arc, would the charge'er basically...
If the character ends it flee move in a spot that one of the chargers can't reach anymore because they run into they're own or enemy unit what...
-c----------c- ------fl------- -------------- ------c------- This is the set up, basically. Where do they go?
So for catching the model... If the char flees towards one of the charging models, where do you measure that charging models distance to catch...
Which direction does a charahter flee when choosing to flee from a charge when there are more than 1unit of same unit size charging the...
I didnt think so, but i couldnt find anything on that specifically. Alas. Thx
Just want to make sure. Can you shoot at a character in a unit with a minus to hit (or is it special rule just for oxyatl-and empire[i think])?...