I feel we have lost was good :( , they just made spears very good (compared to shield/sword) and instantly they put a tax on it on 2pts/model!!!...
it could be argued @Ersh that the Alpha would be too hard to kill... i mean ws5 t6 w6 1+ 4++.. but when that is said i too love the carno :D i...
Guess I was looking at a wrong ETC comp draft (http://braggingrightswhfb.tumblr.com/ETC)
it might just be me, but from the standard comp then the list down under would be illeagal. since Slann + kroak + tetto is 6 points Max „Echse13“...
my thought was that if you meet the terrorgheists then castle up and make sure you will be able to charge it with something... becuase it seems...
what kind of list are you using? the thing is i could see you castling up in a corner, and then try to kill them in CC... a templeguard with...
true im saying that the higher toughness and better AS made me lose less models, if i lost more then there was a probability that my TG would have...
@Phatmotha-phucka oddly enough was it the fact that i didnt have that extra 40-50 skinks that did save me... in the last round and in the...
I agree with you that the saurus didnt do much in this fight... i like to make all-comers lists, which is why i made my oldblood with those...
Its true that the saurus was not very effective, but the held against that sheer force of destruction and just long enough for me to win combat...
Yesterday the saurus got more renown (Warning long post) A person (currently my nemesis, since i have lost to him like all our matches)from my...
I also find that @protector has a very interesting point of view and i like saurus way more than skinks, there is just something about them ;)......
you seem to be pretty CC oriented with 4 big saurus blocks, what have you thought about the skinks priests lores? and do you have any ideas about...
i got a few things... here goes: first Unstoppable Stampede is not worth it you only get the extra attack the turn you charge, i never take it,...
it might just be me... but in the last battle you twice cast your wildform on a 9 on your krox... it seems to me that you forgot the lore...
I forgot the potential loses from the flying units as you mentioned, i only suggested that incase short of points somewhere... i agree very much...
as pointed out by Bainbow, the krox unit is a little small, but have its place and will probably be ignored until after your carnos are dead :)......
second draft: Lords 731: oldblood; CO, GW, AoD, dawnstone, OTS Slann; BSB (banner of eternal flame), becalming cogitation, focus of mystery,...
so here is the first draft: Lords 721: oldblood; CO, GW, AoD, dawnstone, OTS Slann; BSB, becalming cogitation, focus, Harmonic convergence, soul...
Hi fellow lizards ;) So i have had some fights against a friend of mine. He has made a list that he finds compedative and i would like your...