Yup not moot!:) This will be helpful for developing serephon play! KNOWLEDGE IS POWER! Now on to game the game summaries. Game 1: Death...
OH MAN I FEEL LIKE SUCH A DICK. Sorry Killer Angel. I see your point, it makes sense, and to be honest, i never thought about that, in my meta...
There is a couple reasons: A) Salamanders are 80pts and I didn't feel making the space up would really benfit me as much as the starpriest or the...
Heya Everybody, I am going to an event today and bringing this: 10 saurus warrior 10 saurus warrior 10 saurus warrior saurus sunblood (relic...
I feel your pain. I went through a whole event last weekend and i failed to hit every salamander range attack. The only way i got work out of her...
Heya, awesome list, the idea of the troglodon is great and is a real offensive unbind. People might just try to kill it to stop you from...
For the stegadon vs bastiladon bit, they both are good choices! The Bastiladon is better at ranged combat then stegadon. The bastiladons laser is...
Hey Everybody! So it turns out i can't paint that fast..... So I did mass changes to the list kinda.... Leaders Slann Starmaster Skink...
Dang your right I do need 3. Thank you for noticing. I agree the rippers don't really fit, I was just need ways to fill out points8D haha. um I...
Heya Everybody, I have a 2000pts event I am going to this weekend(july 23-24 2016) and I throught laying out my first list with the general's...
Interestingly I only run one salamander(I only own one so ya haha). From what I found, keeping in mind where I play, we do smaller battleplan...
Yup I agree with you completely Bainbow. I normally play at a gw, and the guys there are cool with any of the legacy warscrolls and battalions.
I was just wondering how many of you guys are still running any of the lizardmen warscrolls that weren't include in the seraphon book(jungle...
THANK YOU!!!! So looking forward to using the Thunderquake Starhost!
From what I have scene, Yes the Shadowstrike formation use the starpriest instead(Yay! I had the same problem). If this is wrong I will tell you...
Not to be a kill joy, but I am not sure about this. As writen you could agure that it wouldn't double the mortal wounds because your getting the...
I agree with you, AoS is not designed for tournament play, but I do think you could play a tournament with it, even without comp. In no way do I...
Well currently, I don’t feel like I have played enough of this format to make an informed decision on it, but as an 8th edition monster masher it...
Heya everybody, so I just wanted to ask if there is any comped events where you play at and what are the restrictions like? Currently where I...
Just saying hi...... I have been wandering the forums for many years but recently became a member. Glory to the Old Ones!