Would love to order 2 of the Rex on Horned Stalker! madmitch411@yahoo.com gorgeous models, thanks so much!
Thanks man! First I basecoated the Slann with Trollslayer Orange, it took about 3 or 4 coats, then I washed it with Fuegan Orange. For he...
Probably just the standard grey stone with some gold and jewels, similar to the way I did the Carnosaur rider's saddle.
Hello people of Lustria. I've been finally getting around to painting/converting some of my Lizardmen, here are the models I have done so far!...
I love your color scheme! keep up the great work, dude
He just posted this W.I.P. on his facebook page. Looks absolutely stunning. Depending on the size, I will most definitely be getting one as a...
What do you all think about using this as an alternate model for a Dread Saurian? I think its an amazing sculpt, looks to be about the right size,...
These are the most amazing lizardmen models I have ever seen. I have been following this thread for a while waiting to see if you'd set up a store...