And, tell me honestly, is this not the list to take to a GT with very little practice? I don't have much of a fantasy group here anymore as most...
I thought the razor dons were there to assist clearing chaff as well as another redirector. They're also fast and mobile enough to move where you...
Here's another video with a skink cloud list: This list is less focussed on drops and more focussed...
If you look back to my post where I posted my variant, could you maybe shed some light on the effects of the changes I've made? It doesn't have...
I've been playing around with points today as I glued together my 6 metal terra dons (pro-tip, super glue both metal pieces, put a drop of elmer's...
I imagine the way this list would work is that you'd use your chaff as 'gates' to allow certain units from your opponent's army into you 'cloud.'...
Hey Lustria, I recently watch a battle report from the sustainable center on Youtube which featured a lizardmen player with over 20 drops....