I'm painting my Lizardmen army using classic Lizardmen colours. To do this, I've been using 'How to Paint Citadel Miniatures: Lizardmen' and the...
We've just began a campaign (starting at 500pts and moving up) where named characters are not allowed. Not only that, but Rare choices had not...
Though I've used Vallejo paints (good, more in a bottle and secure tops), I prefer to stick with the Citadel paints. Whilst they're more...
Realise I'm probably a bit late, but please can I order a set of these fantastic models?
Nothing I can really add to the great suggestions above. From a modelling standpoint, I love the idea of buying a box of Ogres and kitting them up...
Okay, my first go at my own list. I'm currently participating in my first campaign at a really great games club I recently joined. I'm having lots...
I was strictly a collector of The Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle Game whilst growing up, but in 2013 I began to fall in love with the WFB lore....