Obviously the Kung Fun Panda trilogy is a cinematic masterpiece. Scalenex assures me its a trilogy and there is no fourth Kung Fu Panda movie,...
You may be the youngest Slann on the forum, but you still have a lot to learn. That's asking Willie Nelson if he likes cannabis.
Everything with pandas in it is brilliant. With one horrific exception.
Most people decide to slice up onions while listening to those stories. Don't look fpr Gav and Bob memes until AFTER watching the first two...
[IMG] Too soon?
Rolling on ground laughing [IMG] [IMG]
I hope someone handsome and brilliant wrote those three articles...
I shall call one of them, mini-me. But I have to notice a thread to like it. I don't watch this thread much. [IMG]
Telepaths beware, you will not survive contact with my mind. [MEDIA]
So there are currently somewhere between zero and two short stories that include Chaos dwarves thus far.
So much misdirection!
I think Bob would have wanted it that way...
And the foul creature looks very Nurgle. Tyranids have always been a part of the Custodes since their very founding.
I imagine it would work like a scarecrow, but better
Some crimes are too heinous for words.