My opponent had a black 30x60 mm base and 3 Chaos warriors as a hellcannon + crew so he couldent object to me for using the goreswine as a chimera...
Ye i love this spell! My opponents face was priceless when the 12 skinks that his hero and knights was going to kill suddenly had 4 d6 str 7...
Hey all i just played a testmatch againt a friend of mine who brought his WoC army, he had like: 12 chaos warriors, 5 chaos knights, a hellcannon,...
You guys give awsome feedback! Thanx alot! airjamys sugestion about the skink body guard is great! but wont the saurus units be to small with...
Ok i see your points about the skinks but i think they are a cheap way to hold up or harass ememy units i dont have time to handle at the moment....
Thanx for feedback! I have not decided what magic to use yet because im not shure if i can find a way to bing the slann or not. The Sarus unit...
So, im going to play in a 1200 point noob tounament and i know i will be going up against mostly Skaven armys, Lords are OK. I could really use...