Slebola You know that on a warscroll don't care wich one a rule says all slanns know this spell
Good idea :p
I talked to him but he got mad because his dad told me that i was right
Thanks but i have that rules to :)
Its how to set up your army but i don't know were to find it a friend copied it for me
And i know its the most important rule but the rules of setting up your game says: only 1named charcter of each character so no 2 gor roks
I just finished a game against a friend and we had some discussions about the summon spells (AoS). I thought that i just could choose any unit...
You know that it is in the same box do you? Only like the howdah changes into an engine. So the box includes a skin priest and chief anyway :)
Thats surely true
I agree its just not as relying when the engine takes some wounds... Then the damage of the bow is still high but that engine is still the better...
I just played against a warriors of chaos army and the engine of the gods made me abble to call kroq-gar on carnosaur wich made me win the battle...