Drop the staff of sorcery, the priest doesn't need it. Give him instead a diadem of power and a dispell scroll. This way you have more dispell...
Nurgle.... the most annoying units of the deamons. T4, 5+ ward save and regeneration (with herald). These fella's aren't going to die any time...
VS dark elves( t3 low save) you want to give your scar-vet many attacks, str 5 will be enough to kill most of their troops. With the +2 A sword,...
What ever you do, watch out for the blood knights. They are extremely dangerous. Try killing them with the engine or bait & flee them with a cheap...
Yeah i know of the dryads. Once played against a full dryad/treeman army on a 750 pts team tournamen. So that were 2 treemen and a LOT of dryads...
yeah that is how I was planning to use the banner. :D But why should i take huanchi on my saurus warriors and scar vet?? It is not very nice to...
Hey all, I made this list for a battle with a friend. It is made from almost all the models i own, so any changes are difficult. I will play...
Is the spout flame attack a flaming attack? It is not mentioned in the book...
Wow... nasty list for sure... 20 dragon princes, heavy magic and a star dragon... I once fought a star dragon on a tournament with my O&G. on...
The Scar-vet rides on a Cold One. So his movement will be enough to keep up with te krox, and the stupidity also comes form the Cold One. But...
I found this thread on The Pyramid Vault: http://www.pyramidvault.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2323 in it you will find official new lizardmen...
I don't think this is a legal combiantion of magic items. You cannot have 2 enchanted items (the jaguar charm en the bane head). I don''t have the...
ok thanks for the advise. I am going to try it out in my next game.
I thought of a scar-vet BSB with huanchi's banner, so my krox can charge a extra D6".
Hi all, I have a question, Can I put a Scar Veteran on a Cold One in a unit of Kroxigors?? Thanks in advance!