Thanks crowsfoot! Ulthuan Grey was än interesting suggestion! I would prefer a bit bluer though! I Love the fin though! That Color is something i...
So I am looking at painting Rippers and Bastiladon, and also a Skink Starpriest. My Saurus Guards and basically everything else reptilian in my...
Ooops, I just noticed that this thread should be in the painting and conversion-forum! Is it possible to have a mod move it?
Hey, I am planning on buying some rippers this weekend, but my painting skills are quite bad. So I would like some sort of step by step guide on...
For me it's about 70% Looks, 20% if I'm able to paint them (my painting skills are severely lacking, so I want the figures to feel like they have...
I have also always loved dwarves, and they have been my primary race in Total War: Warhammer. However, for some reason, I dont really feel like...
This is the wording on one of the abilities of the Starseer CURSE OF FATES Curse of Fates has a casting value of 4. If successfully cast, pick a...
This is a discussion I would love to have :D With Seraphon as your primary army and you had to pick a secondary army, what secondary army would...
That would indeed give alot more options! I will certainly that starhost into consideration, even though I really like the Eternal Starhost only...
What buffs do you mean, exactly? I dont really see where they would get the buffs that make it better than Eternal Starhost. (this is where my...
Is it possible to run Bloodclaw efficiently with Guards? how much such a formation look in that case? And thanks for the picture. Been looking...
Aaah, at a first glance I was really excited for the Skink Priest since my guards could then reroll the saves. But the more I look at it,...
so, I am planning on giving Age of Sigmar a real shot this time. The last time I ended up playing WoW instead, and my Seraphon army quickly ended...
Hi, I would like to start a discussion on formations, how to line up your troops and how to place them on the board. And the reason I want to...
I guess I need to go there and ask them! The store hasn't said anything about summoning, mostly because we haven't really talked about it. But I...
The store says "warscrolls".. I didn't really know that there was a difference between warscrolls and units. I thought that if you had 2 units of...
Hey, I'm new to Age of Sigmar and the Seraphon army I have a Start Collecting box with Seraphon and was planning on purchasing more. Usually at...