So after getting my copy of the General's Handbook and reading through the 6 Battleplans for pitched battles, I've decided to change the army once...
Do I need to drop the skystreak bow to have the alpha? The warscroll is unclear to me (the unit descriptions for AoS in general for me are pretty...
I don't have the generals handbook so I'm not sure if the points have been adjusted, but according to the leaks the skink starpriest is only 100...
I have updated the lists and would like some feedback. 1000 points: Saurus Scar-Veteran on Carnosaur - 260 Skink Starpriest - 100 5x Chameleon...
OK, another update for the list. I've dropped the stegadon and replaced it with a skink starpriest and terradon riders. Firelance Starhost - 60...
Thanks for the advice guys. I'm still figuring out a list for 2000 points, but I've thought up another 1000 point list. Firelance Starhost - 60...
Hi guys, I'm another new player starting Seraphon. I've read the rules but I haven't actually played a game of Age of Sigmar yet. I've built this...