I think you are mistaking here. You asked if you could still use the death Alliance ability, which you can since all of the models are from the...
At 1500pts I'm able to add: Saurus eternity warden (Phoenix stone) The eternal star host (other 80pts) Camaleon skinks *5 Salamander*1 Balewind...
Just to know. What are the restrictions/requirements for a 1500pts list?
Lachlin is right, but we still have 3 damage spells at our use, plus, the starseer will only be casting his +1/-1 spell so kroak can cast the...
I plan on using the eternity warden as soon as I get to 2000pts (so i could also use the eternity starhost). I thought i should have a more...
I appreciate the suggestion. But i still want to include kroak in the army some how. I think the major strength point of this army is it's all...
I have the engine of the gods already built and the starter pack. I have yet to buy any of the guards though, I'm thinking i might convert the...
Hello everyone, I'm a new player and I fell in love with the star lizards. I'm planning of starting with a 1000pts and then build up from that....