I did a siege, and on the assaulting side, I found Skinks to be completely useless. Magic was useful for softening up the walls. FSODs, are very...
I see a lot of hype about the Pit of Shades. Whats so good about it? Isn't it just like some template attack?
Hey, We've started playing siege games. I'm curious as to what you all use for attacking or defending in these scenarios. Screens are pretty much...
In my game against dwarves recently, I found that the Stegadon can rout a block of average Dwarf Warriors itself [In the front mind you, though...
I love the idea of a Stegadon/Arcanodon PLASTIC box set. *Glares at the partially assembled howdah and half painted stegadon* Temple Guard as...
Great! Thanks for the help Ninja!
Hey guys, couple questions; 1. So, if I outnumber a unit, and my unit causes fear, do I autobreak them even though they may have passed their...
I'd say two 2nd Gen are just cool for 3k in THEORY. As with two of those, that eats up 2 Lord Choices, 2 Hero Choices, and 2 Rares, unless I'm...
Thanks for the advice. What kind of unit would you suggest in taking it down? It will probably also contain his general, so thats pretty much a...
Well in addition to the current factions; Empire Chaos High Elves Skaven They added Greenskins and Dark Elves. And it comes on one like, the 17th...
I really like the color scheme you're going for. The browns look sweet on skinks. Oh, and I've always had trouble on the eyes too.
I wouldn't take Venom of the Firefly on your JSoD, as, unless I'm mistaken, that no longer allows him to crunch opponents armor. I personally...
I see. Thats a relief. What kind of spells does it have though?
Thats pretty good! Especially since you forgot a Krox unit. Nice work with the JSoD!Seems like it would be an awesome mower against skaven!
Warhammer Battle March is coming out for the Xbox 360, and will contain both Mark of Chaos AND Battle March, so I'm very excited, as I'm not a...
I like that idea, I alway wondered if the Lizzies would ever do something about those zombies. I felt that the vampire coast had potential, but...
Er... this probably should have been in tactics. Sorry.
Well, my Dwarf opponent just ordered an Anvil of Doom. I'm not entirely sure what it does, and how to deal with it. Could you please enlighten me?...
What would you guys like to see in our new army edition? I would like to see; Kroxigors cheaper or better Saurus WS 4 [Makes more sense, as they...
Just wanted to let you all know, I achieved a solid [at least] victory against my opponent. I may post a battle report If I feel like it.