Seems fair. in my last game had a sunblood and 10 Warriors rinse through 25 grave gaurd. they were part of formation so had extra attacks and...
Still fairly new to aos an been checking a few of the army lists posted on here. I've noticed a lot of people tend to run their battle line units...
Yea mortal wounds tend to screw me over. He always takes the death ability that nulls wounds on a 5+ As well as making them 50% of the time which...
Was contemplating eternal starhost. Spend out on a few units with a 2+ save them stegadon and skinks to mow stuff down before it gets too close lol
Yea did mention to him we should probs have a gentlemans agreement not to take the Mickey to much otherwise the rest of the army is more of a...
Ha sweet. Cheers guys was thinking shadow strike with big unit of rippers 6/9 and goin full on from the get go
Just made it to the last round of the tree campaign in the generals handbook (return to the verdigris plains I think) where the win condition is...
Cheers for all the input guys tried it out last night. Must say I was a bit underwhelmed by the shadow strike sun host may drop that in future and...
Cheers will give it a go see what happens and let you know
So my for my revised list am thinking either: Sunclaw star host 20 Warriors X 2 10 Warriors Sunblood Skink starseer Skink star priest 6...
Cheers for the input, Went for the sunclaw because he always takes the ability that give his units a 5+ Ward save when near a hero so was hoping...
Hey guys am new to sigmar only had a handful of game so far. Decided a good way to get stuck is do a few big games and see where o start...