Thanks mate, high praise indeed from the Middle-Earth-scenery-making maestro :). I'm certainly looking forward to grabbing some Armoured Clash...
Also, I did some kustomizin' work on the Looted Wagon/Battlewagon I have for my Orks... it started life as a second-hand 2nd Edition-era Space...
Well, I've set a new record... now I haven't posted here for over a year :oops:. Will fetch photos of the smaller-scale stuff I painted over the...
One for our resident Dreamworks HTTYD fan @ASSASSIN_NR_1 : [IMG]
I always thought the planned new Harry Potter series was going to be pointless, but if they are definitely going through with this then it's dead...
Now this is a good one! Will have to thing long and hard about this one...
Indeed it is, it's Obelix, Asterix's best friend who has perpetual superhuman strength from falling into a cauldron of the Druid Getafix's magic...
Indeed it is, that's principally why I rate the LoTR story and films as being inferior to those of the Hobbit. I'd much rather enjoy battles...
Welcome back, esteemed @NIGHTBRINGER, the forum hasn't been the same without you :) Ha, I can see it being more accurate if you went forward in...
Of course a LOTR human character who isn't even in the films gets a plastic model before Hobbit characters like Dain and Thranduil :shifty:....
Some glorious Crown vehicles, with a naval vessel and rotorcraft from Armoured Clash's sister game, Dystopian Wars, in the background: [IMG] [IMG]
It amuses me how Neelix is pretty much the same but with a bit more hair added to his quiff... and how Tom really leans into being a hippy.
Hmm... only for Medieval gaming, really, and if you have an opponent who's a real historical purist you're going to have to be careful about...