hi would this list be competative any feedback would be excellent cheers Lizardmen 2250 Lord Slann mage priest Focus of mastery-knows all spells...
can bsb have enchanted shield
the dwarf list is illegal to meany longbeardes or those warriors are just normal warriors
ive never tried it but 100 points theres so meany other things that are better
i personally hate it its potentially on the 10 most overcosted items list in the whole game of whfb there are so meany better things
drop the horn it is far too expensive and thats about it
thats a relief thats another good thing about the fat frog
i like the list as a hole the slann is very nice and an excellent deterent against daemons and vampires because you will almost be praying to...
iam soon attending my fist tornamnt and a question ive got a slann when you chose your lore when do you do that so can i pick a different lore...
hi guys ive just come back to lizardmen after they were my first army and ive done a list to take to a tornament whats your thoughts. Slann mage...