Those are just amazing! :jawdrop: I love the winged Carnasaur, and the painting of the fiery glow is insanely impressive, I can only imagine the...
G'day guys, sorry its been almost a month since I've made a reply here, I got busy and didn't have much time to think about this. I did take on...
G'day guys, Thanks for everybody who helped with my initial post on the site, it gave me some really cool ideas, and after tinkering I think I've...
Thanks again guys, hmmmm...that's a shame, I really liked the look of the cold ones... :depressed: Ok, so if I don't take cold ones, or a...
Thanks for the replies guys. :) For my first army I'm looking at keeping it down at 1,000 points. I may enter Conflict next year with my new...
Thankyou very much. :D and thanks for the welcome guys.
G'day all As I mentioned in my introduction post I am currently a 40K player, however with the release of the 5th edition I have decided to...
G'day everybody, just thought I'd introduce myself after registering here. Name's Calaith, however you may call me Cal for convenience sake....