All the new Warscrolls are available on the GW site now. EotG now you are only going to ever want one on the field. It has had a strong need to...
On face value so far, That's a bit of an OUCH all around on him. I had hoped we'd get more ways to avoid mortal wounds completely wrecking the...
I think the link broke?
Oooooo. I'd relish the Engine getting a MW dealing shooting phase missile attack.
I hope it hasn't both of those. Or if it has, that the new abilities make losing the old ones sting less.
Old version is 3" range, new version is a wopping 12" range on the heal. Plus, this is on a 4-8 roll where old was on a 3-5. Color me intrigued...
The Trogglodon. I didn't care that he wasn't the best unit. I just love the fluff of him spitting acid on units and charging into them. I squeeze...