ive been thinking about making a 40k space lizardmen army myself for a little bit, never could figure out a good codex to use as a proxy. what...
holy he is absolutely TOWERING those saurus warriors!
all stunning choices. imo the best entries we've had
luckily for all of us, even those who werent around during the beginning, like myself, the wayback machine has us covered!...
that looks so good! wheres the banner from? and how well do the magnets hold the model in place? i tried magnetizing a mounted character to a...
im thinking Plague of Rust and Summon Elemental Spirit for my spells
alrighty, made some revisions using your suggestions. cant see myself removing the temple guard with frenzy however. i like the combo too much....
I was initially going to run BoT but I took it off in favour for better protection with the glyph necklace I believe. Made the list fairly late so...
I’m probably going to drop 5 cold ones and squeeze a BSB in. I’ve had pretty good luck with stupidity recently so I’m not too afraid of it, but I...
i was thinking about adding a BSB, might drop some cold ones and a unit of skinks for it but wanted to get opinions before making lots of changes....
Thinking of bringing this list to my local LGS when they open up again after renovations sometime next month. any recommendations or revisions?...
Think I figured it out [ATTACH]
C&C needed. First time doing NMM and I’m happy with the current result however not happy with how dark it is. I want it to be gold but it just...
damn, that sucks. thank you! definitely gonna have to keep the Horned One out of the group then lol
If I have a Horned One join a unit of Cold Ones does the Horned One prevent the Cold Ones stupidity checks or no? I haven’t seen any rules about...
i don't see the horned one in the PDF. only cold ones and carnosaurs for saurus mounts. did they add it in a new book/FAQ? EDIT: nevermind i...
much appreciated! ill get to fixing up the list!
very nice army builder. super easy to use and very clean! this is a 2,000 point mock list i made for my friend who plays Beastmen, i know nothing...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] took a bit of an extended break from painting and modelling due to work and other unforseen circumstances, but now i...
on this note if we do go with 8th and one of my friends wants to play say Vampire Coasts, would the WAP book be compatible or would it be to...