I get that. I'll add it to my backlog for if I revisit. What would make it tricky is that I'd have to redo all my warscrolls and redo the...
I haven't done any printing. I'm leaving it portrait for now as landscape means I'd have to rewrite the entire display logic, but it's something...
@Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl I just pushed it into production. Should be live in a few minutes [ATTACH]
I'll have that implemented for you in no time!
I'm really excited to announce a release version for my AoS 4.0 warscroll creator!! If you'd like to make a warscroll, feel free to check it out...
I hope this helps with future magnetizing :) If you need help, reach to me on the Seraphon discord!
The loadouts Stegadon with bow [ATTACH] Stegadon with Flame throwers [ATTACH] Engine of the Gods [ATTACH]
All other bits Engine piece I used some greenstuff to give the magnets a bit more of a hold. You could use any other modelling putty as a filler...
Hey everyone! If you've seen my previous blog on magnetizing Stegadons, then consider this the new and improved 2.0 guide. I'll be covering how to...
My local shop is having a 1000pts tournament that was just announced today. What materials do I need for Warcry to get caught up with the latest...
You weren't wrongfully banned. You called my cousin a c*nt after I posted a joke she looped me into some furniture painting, and were flippant...
The issue with the salamander is that it effectively fills two roles where it should be one. The Salamander can dish out excellent ranged and...
Shooting good, is why.
Gimmie da Kroak!
May I have the source on these please? I'd love to give them a read.
I'm wondering if Morthai-Khaine's "we must redirect" line will be us sending Kragnos to party with Be'lakor. THAT would be fun.