I have never used I will have to look up the rules on them
Any thoughts on adding the endless spell Quicksilver Swords for the last 30 points?
Speaking of that. Do you know what i should build toward?
Anyone have a video showing this army in action? Trying to do as much research as possible prior to week 1 of the campaign
So what would be the recommendation for summoning priority? mass spam skinks?
Can you provide reference for this? Thanks a bunch!
Ty a bunch
I am not sure how CCCP works. So how many Conjuration Points would I get per turn? If I am reading the new GHB right I should get 4 per turn...
Looks like a fun list. Do you have any tips on playing the list?
I am not great at it. I have checked out the get the most out of the start collecting box. I have not tried it yet.
Hey all. Long time reader , first time poster. So I need some advice. I have a 1000 point narrative campaign coming up and I am trying to figure...