Thanks! I'm hoping to get to the mall sometime soon to get some more seraphon to paint.
Been a while since I did much painting but I spent some time painting my sons neferata over the holidays [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Nice those eggs are really cool.
I never noticed the wood grain on the spears until now looks good. Trying to adjust the poses with the base is definitely a good idea if you have...
Finished the last guy heres him and the whole squad together [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Here's the wing guy done he was pretty fun to paint. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Finished up the leader guy of the crimson court I like how he turned out a lot better then the lady vampire[ATTACH] [ATTACH]
I'm usually not a fan of busy bases but with the saurus on top it doesn't really pull attention away from the main focus would look great on a...
Working through the crimson court now, this one was harder to paint then cado her design puts a lot of stuff in the way and the lucion purple came...
I tried slapchop for the first time with Cado from soulblight it didn't save me a noticeable amount of time compared to the way I usually paint...
My understanding was that the eotg bonus effects were arguably worse then the range weapon you're giving up to have it not to mention that it's...
Painted my son's ushoran this week he was a lot of fun to paint once I settled on colors that would work with the rest of the stuff I've painted...
I think if they changed thunder lizard to something like all monsters can stomp in addition to another rampage it would be a lot more appealing,...
Looks like starborne got a pretty big hit to there usual lists and koatls claw relatively unchanged since I think most lists have a carno and at...
Finished the frigate was definitely a bit of a nightmare even though I was just trying to get it done quick the other one will remain grey for a...
Got this Admiral done and started working on a frigate for my son I usually don't like sub assembly besides guy off mount but I really regret...
I've had kragnos sitting on my shelf since he came out decided to finally get him painted didn't put a ton of work into him but it didn't turn out...
Thank you the dark green is roughly 1 to 1 striking scorpion and nazdreg yellow and the light green is striking scorpion
I drew them in with black legion contrast paint it goes on incredibly dark and doesn't really have any opacity.
Picked up a scar vet on aggradon on New year's just finished it today I'm pretty happy with how it turned out[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]