just played a 2250 game with him, have to say, his main use didnt occur to me until turn 3, facing down the throat of 2 chaos knight units,...
lord of change? well,,,, get an engine of the gods a cloak of feathers priest and 24 skinks and loads of saurus (36) to start, then at 2 k get a...
how many points are you planning on going to? starting at 1k and doing a k a month is a lot, very quickly, hmmm realy it depends what the deamon...
SKINKS! 4 units of 12 skinks blowpiping greater deamons hurts like you wouldnt believe,,, that 96 poisioned shots, 16 wounds per turn:) and at...
it says skinks only so that priests and chiefs can carry it, the "skinks only" heading refers to who can carry it, same as any item. if the frenzy...
4 words, spirit of the forge:)
anything on the GW website will be the newer models. anything you buy elsewhere may not be
loads of ways to justify LM in mordhiem:P but these little guys will end up playing a lustria setting i thnks:P downside is, blowpipes are realy bad:(
i got bored. so i pulled out my unused steggie and a box of skinks [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach] just playing with the bolas...
if you mean the GW water effect stuff? you paint the base first. then add the water effect over the top
scar vet on cold one, in unit or sarus with speary goodness now, beast cowers, affects units of cavalry or single ridden or unwritten monsters...
gunline? not realy, nothings going to stay still and shoot,,,, better one would be, with regular stegs w/bows and ancients with pipes, shove a war...
in general? all far too expensive, especially the hero choices, tend to become better at huge points levels, eg chakax wouldnt bother personally,...
i think there are uses for all the disiplins, i cant think of a game where i havnt wanted all of them at one point except for the Harrowing. id...
actually most of the time they'l be at short range and large target, for a +2 to hit:P sun standard helps, as does a nice unit of COR moving up in...
ok, interesting thing happened today, so my slan was being babysat buy his ~TG things were peachy, untill they were charged by two stegadons, it...
well for starters, id drop Chakax, yes he is a wonderfull character but he is almost 2 big block units in cost, its a bit much you could always...
ohhh,,,, pitch black yes? ok i'll try again, lets have an easy one "Crawl out from that rock youre hiding under, and Ill drive this truck up your...
think i broke the game....
against elves? hmmm if you take more than 18 in a unit yes, otherwise probably not, you will lose too many on the way across the board and the...