Thanks for the thoughts. Pretty easy on #1, separate the Steg. I forgot that he doesn't have to be with a character in this book. I've had...
Bad pic I know but bare with me on it. I know not too many people would be itnerested in the old style Lizards but some people like me collect...
Slaan Mage Priest -General, BSB, Lore of Light, Harmonic Convergance, Channeling Staff, Obsidian Amulet, Ironcurse Icon Scar Vet -Cold One, LA,...
Hi, I was wondering if there were some good companies that do Alternative model ranges for the Lizards? Primarily I'm looking for alternative...
Indeed a devious tactic. I like it.
Oh heck... Just got home and looked at my book. The Army Builder file I have is way off. I'll have to go see if I have a new one. Although as...
Just a regular stegadon; only 1 point leftover. No I don't have specific opponents in mind; looking at it for a tournament so kind of an all...
Old Blood Carnosaur, Light Armor, Scimitar of Sun Resplendant, Maiming Shield Skink Chief Terradon, Blowpipe, Shield of the Mirrored Pool Skink...
My goal for the boxes is to make a good core from which to work outwards into the army. Yeah this army doesn't have any utility units; but it's a...
Hello, My name is Joe and I'm new to the forum. I was looking at getting into Lizardmen and had planned on my first purchase being two of the...